SCI Alaska Chapter Warriors On Safari
Sponsors: John Stone, Ponnappa Priya, Mia Wong, Peter Stanbrige, Natalie Lee-Walsh, Ang Li, Nguta Ithya, Tamzyn French, Salome Simoes, Trevor Virtue, Campbell-Gillies,Tarryn, Eugenia Anderson, John Kazantzis, Verona Blair, Jackie Meldrum, Maureen M Smith, Desiree Burch, Daly Harry, Hayman Andrews, Ruveni Ellawala
Upcoming Events

Application Must be submitted between Nov 1st thru December 15th, 2024
This hunt is for qualified Disabled Veteran’s and Qualified Disabled Active Duty Military ONLY: Purple Heart recipient and military physician’s affidavit stating 100% service-connected disability or Purple Heart recipient and is certified by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs as having incurred a 100% service-connected disability.
Past Events

2nd Annual Alaska Governors Wounded Warrior hunt
September 20-30th, 2020
This hunt is sponsored by Steve Perrins, owner of Rainy Pass Lodge

2020 Alaska DM795 Delta Junction Qualified Disabled Veteran/ Active Duty Military Moose Hunt
September 1-5th, 2020
This hunt is for qualified Disabled Veteran’s and Qualified Disabled Active Duty Military ONLY: Purple Heart recipient and military physician’s affidavit stating 100% service-connected disability or Purple Heart recipient and is certified by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs as having incurred a 100% service-connected disability.

August 7th, 2020
Captain Bob Candopoulos of Saltwater Safari is offering a full day Halibut/Salmon combination charter fishing trip for 6 fishermen.
On August 7th the winning bidders party will join Captain Bob and 10 members of the Alaska Chapter of The Military Order Of The Purple Heart aboard the newly remodeled 53ft Legend for a full day of Halibut and Salmon Fishing out of Seward, Alaska.

ONC Hosts Three Wounded Warriors & Honors Veterans in Ouzinkie
December 3rd, 2019
SCI Alaska Chapter Board Member John Sturgeon, members of the Ouzinkie Native Corporation and a team of many Volunteers worked together to take 3 Wounded Warriors to Afognak Island, where they were treated to a hunt of a lifetime. They even had Governor Mike Dunleavey as a tracker, skinner, packer. SCI Alaska Chapter was proud to play a small part in making this opportunity for these deserving Veterans! d Private First Class Mike Ripa (Vietnam Veteran) at the Koncor Logging Camp.

2019 Alaska DM795 Qualified Disabled Veteran/Active Duty Military Moose Hunt
September 1-15th, 2019
Donate to SCI AK Warriors on Safari

SCI Alaska Chapters Warriors On Safari Event: November 1st thru Dec. 15th, 2020
November 1st thru December 15, 2020 is the Alaska Department Of Fish & Games drawing application period for the DM795 Delta Junction Management Area – Unit 20D Qualified Disabled Veterans and Qualified Active Duty Military Moose Permit. Each year ADF&G draws 6 permits for DM795 and SCI Alaska Chapter would like to sponsor all 6 successful applicants on this unique opportunity to hunt moose in an area that is easily accessible and one that has had a long standing 100% success rate.
This hunt is sponsored by SCI Alaska Chapter and conducted by Richard Barth and his team of volunteers from the Purple Heart Hunters Program.
In September of this year, SCI Alaska Chapter with support from SCI’s Northwest Chapter and the Outdoors For Our Heroes Veterans organization sponsored 5 successful DM795 permit applicants and we are happy to announce that Richard Barth and his team of Volunteers helped all 5 of these deserving veterans fill their tags.
SCI Alaska Chapter is asking you to help us find qualified applicants to submit for the draw and hopefully join us on our 2021 Alaska DM795 Delta Junction Warriors On Safari Moose Hunt which is scheduled from September 1st thru the 15th of 2021.
ADF&G DM795 Requirements and Information:
Who Qualifies For The Drawing: The DM795 Moose Permit drawing is open to both resident and non-residents applicants, who must meet the following eligibility requirements prior to applying for draw.
- A service-connected disability letter rating of 100% from the Veteran Administration or from a Military Medical Retention Board.
- A recipient of the Military Purple Heart Medal.
Permit Application Website:
Clarification: This hunt is for Qualified Veteran’s and Active Duty Military Only: Purple Heart recipients and have received a military physician’s affidavit stating 100% service-connected disability or Purple Heart recipient and is certified by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs as having incurred a 100% service-connected disability.
History: Richard Barth founder of the Purple Heart Hunters Program saw an amazing opportunity to enhance the DM795 hunt and successfully petitioned the Delta Junction Local Area Advisory Board for the current DM795 hunting requirements, which put into effect a program that since its inception, has enjoyed a 100% success rate for all permit holders that were able to hunt.
Richard and members of the Purple Heart Hunters Program volunteer their time on an annual basis, to assist all successful permit holders with the goal of providing a great outdoor opportunity and to assist them in successfully harvesting their moose.
Please visit our Warriors On Safari Page, if you would like to know more about how you can help or donate to the DM795 Moose Hunt, or any of our Veterans Programs.
You can also contact SCI Executive Director Louis Cusack directly at phone number: (907) 980-9018 or via email at:
Please see the following information, regarding opportunities to apply for the Alaska Governors DM795 Delta Junction Moose Hunt
ADF&G DM795 Requirements and Information:
Qualified Veteran’s and Active Duty Military ONLY: Purple Heart recipient AND certified 100% service-connected disability. Proxy hunting is not allowed for DM795.
The DM795 moose hunting permit is in Unit 20D of the Delta Junction Game Management Area. Only 6 Moose Hunting Permits are issued for this Area.
DM795 is open to both resident and non-resident hunters. In Alaska non-residents are NOT required to hire a guide to hunt Moose.
This hunt is for qualified Disabled Veteran’s and Qualified Disabled Active Duty Military ONLY: Purple Heart recipient and military physician’s affidavit stating 100% service-connected disability or Purple Heart recipient and is certified by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs as having incurred a 100% service-connected disability.

Ryan Caldwell

Ryan Caldwell

Ryan Caldwell

Drawing Application Dates: November 1st thru December 15th:
Season dates for DM 795 is September 5 – 10
Legal Animal: One moose every 4 regulatory years, taking calves or cows accompanied by calves is prohibited.
SCI Alaska Chapter is honored to support and assist in providing this unique opportunity to honor and support our Veterans.
For more information about applying for future drawings contact SCI Alaska Chapter Executive Director Louis Cusack at phone: (907) 980-9018 or email:
September 1st thru 15th 2019 Alaska Governors DM795 Delta Junction, Alaska Qualified Disabled Veteran/ Qualified Disabled Active Duty Military Moose
In conjunction with the Alaska Governors Permit, SCI Alaska Chapters Warrior on Safari Program, with the support of Paul Phillips of PAC/WEST provided FRANZ D. DETERS, MSgt AKANG USMC purple heart recipient, 2005 Fallujah Iraq with the opportunity to hunt and harvest a great bull moose.
This hunt is conducted on Fort Greeley and fully supported by Fort Greeley’s Richard Barth and his fellow volunteers from the base. SCI Alaska Chapter would like to extend their gratitude for all their hard work, for without their support this hunt would have never happened!
Please see the following information, regarding future opportunities to apply for the Alaska Governors DM795 Delta Junction Moose Hunt
ADF&G DM795 Requirements and Information:
Qualified Veteran’s and Active Duty Military ONLY: Purple Heart recipient AND certified 100% service-connected disability. Proxy hunting is not allowed for DM795.
The DM795 moose hunting permit is in Unit 20D of the Delta Junction Game Management Area. Only 6 Moose Hunting Permits are issued for this Area.
DM795 is open to both resident and non-resident hunters. In Alaska non-residents are NOT required to hire a guide to hunt Moose.
This hunt is for qualified Disabled Veteran’s and Qualified Disabled Active Duty Military ONLY: Purple Heart recipient and military physician’s affidavit stating 100% service-connected disability or Purple Heart recipient and is certified by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs as having incurred a 100% service-connected disability.
Drawing Application Dates: November 1st thru December 15th:
Season dates for DM 795 is September 1 – 15
Legal Animal: One moose every 4 regulatory years, taking calves or cows accompanied by calves is prohibited.
SCI Alaska Chapter is honored to support and assist in providing this unique opportunity to honor and support our Veterans.
For more information about applying for future drawings contact SCI Alaska Chapter Executive Director Louis Cusack at phone: (907) 980-9018 or email: